Monday, February 12, 2007

My Weekend

This weekend I spent with two canines and a feline, respectively named Chimo, Bailey and Oliver! It's been a while since I have received so much attention and affection. Bailey would have been happy to spend the entire weekend nose to nose with me, had I allowed her! She is most affectionate. Chimo seems a little more independent with age, but is happy to have any attention sent his way! Now Oliver, the kitty, is at your heels the second the dogs are let outside! She would place her front paws up on my shoulder so that she could rub her head against mine! So very cute!

In between the time spent cuddling and walking with animals, I did do some walking around in that area. I didn't get to do as much as I would have liked as it was quite cold and snowy most of the weekend. I had coffee with Canagal and hubby at the Purple Perk which was yummy and as always S & N are excellent company.

One evening I met up with a fella from work and his girlfriend for drinks. We went to Ming on 17th ave. I love the dark and cozy atmosphere of that place. It also brings back fond memories for me as the only other time I had been there was with my galpal Sue several years ago when she still lived here in Calgary. I remember that time because I was having a crappy day and she and her boyfriend took me out for drinks and snacks to cheer me up! Which they did!

Sunday I went snowboarding for my second time and it was as fun as the first! Actually, it was more fun because after a couple of refresher runs down the hill I was feeling better at it! It was basically a whiteout on the top of the hill for the better part of the afternoon and a little cold on the face, but otherwise it was awesome! It is my new favorite thing.

Well, in a nutshell that was my weekend. Now it is back to work!


Blogger pingcat said...

Having had you look in on my furry creatures in the past I know the ones who benefitted from your gaze were truly well cared for. While all of your actiivities sounded like fun, the constant theme I detected was .... brrrrr... thanks, but no thanks, I'll be back there soon enough. For a change, just for a change, it is nice to be away when there IS NOT a chinook occuring!

12 February, 2007 13:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had another great time at the hill. Sorry that i couldn't make it, just know that WE missed you!

12 February, 2007 13:41  
Blogger CanaGal said...

were you able to steal Oliver for me?

13 February, 2007 10:06  
Blogger CaptainFartlek said...

Those animals are so cute.

13 February, 2007 11:41  
Blogger Flyin Dutchman said...

Not to be anti "cute" animals but the cat really really doesn't get the cute vote from me. I am sure he has a great personality and is a great companion though ;)

14 February, 2007 11:37  
Blogger CanaGal said...

flyin dutchman - watch it! Oliver is the cutest

14 February, 2007 13:08  
Blogger pingcat said...

Hey quodlibet, en and I want to have coffee with you soon, especially en, he's going up to nanook's world sometime next week ...
Give me a call (or him) regarding availability.

21 February, 2007 20:46  
Blogger Quodlibet said...

I'd love to. I think I'm away till Saturday later in the day...still unsure, but will let you know when I know!! Sounds fun. By en do you mean Ian???

22 February, 2007 00:36  
Blogger pingcat said...

yes I do mean en ... that's how he always signs his stuff to me ... "e" "n" ... all together, I guess it sounds like Ian to him! I'll let him know, hopefully he will still be around

22 February, 2007 13:46  
Blogger Nanook said...

What's he coming up here for?

22 February, 2007 21:48  
Blogger pingcat said...

Um ... I think we can guess NOT to enjoy the Wx. I think he has some business up there.

23 February, 2007 17:18  
Blogger Quodlibet said...

I'm sure he's gone by now. I would have loved to have coffee, however I have not been home very much this past number of days. I hope he has a fun trip!

28 February, 2007 01:35  

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