
I had such a fun day today. It began with a medevac to Lethbridge - nothing terribly special about that since we go there generally several times a week. As soon as we returned to Calgary we were dispatched for Vancouver to pick up a baby and take her to Medicine Hat. This was my first time flying to Vancouver so at first I was a little nervous because I didn't know quite what it would be like, but it was fine and not as busy as I had expected. Unfortunately, the ceiling and visibility weren't really good enough to get a good look around from the air.
For lunch we walked over to the Flying Beaver which was very cool because it is right on the water where you can watch the float planes coming and going! It was a great view, not to mention the food which was awesome. I had one of the best sandwiches I've ever had. It was crab meat and smoked salmon with avocado, onion, lettuce, tomato, and some kind of honey mustard on a croissant. Delish!
From Vancouver we flew to Medicine Hat to drop off the baby and then we returned to Calgary to end our day. I love these days where you go somewhere fun and fly with someone great like my Captain today. I love my job.
hey lisa
I went to whitecourt woohoo
who did you fly with
Miss T!!!!
Pretty nice view out your side window - if you ask me, yeah, I know, you are NOT asking me, BUT ...
Hmmm Am I paranoid or did my comment about "Miss T" really being "Captain Miss T" just disappear due to poor entry on my part?
I never saw a comment from you about Miss T???????? I never deleted anything????
Well there ya go ... my computer has been crashing on a regular basis, like all of a sudden, the blue screen of death. Sometimes it happens when I am reviewing blogs and such so that's probably what happened. By the way, "Uncle en" "hear" one of your Captains just recently on the radio- he was off visiting one of the former Dispatch folk who is booting around in the moutains for a firm "B"
Can't type ... "heard" Captain "M" - always a thrill for us old PPL types to hear the "young 'uns" making it in the CPL world!
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