I Did Something Stupid

Oh, this will be an anoying post because I want to say something that I'm not going to say!! How is that my friends. Basically, I did something stupid and regret it, but am not going to tell anyone what it was. That is how stupid it was; it was an 'oopsie' but what can one do after it has been done??? I am just going to put it on my 'oopsie' shelf and move on. Sorry for a teaser, but I had to just get it out there so now I can forget about it!!
Oh, I know that I will be able to get it out of you!!!
If I had a nickle for all the stupid things I've done/said .... well you get the idea. Make an "amend" and move on; accept your human frailities and I suppose, "pay it forward" if you know what I mean.
Was it fun?? Sometimes stupid things are fun! Enjoy it.
Ha! Maaaaayyyyybbbbeeee it was fun!
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