Thursday, November 16, 2006


Okay, this has to be one of the best films that I have seen in a very long time! Basically it is about a number of people who are each having their own issue with sex, love and intimacy despite being seemingly 'together' at the beginning of the film. Sook yin lee is not only fantastic as an actress in the film but as the filmaker she is brave and honest.
I laughed out loud many, many times during the movie and at other times had tears streaming down my face. All of the characters are so interesting and complex, but you can still understand what they are going through as they are all so human. There is explicite sex in the movie, but it felt more emotionally explicite than sexually explicite and I wouldn't want her to change a thing.
I think that everyone should watch this film, and I think I will likely watch it again if I can get back to the theater before it leaves. I was disapointed to see only about fifteen people in the theater, but I suspect that once the word is out, it will become more popular.
On a side note, Sook yin lee is a Canadian and she is a broadcaster on the CBC - good for her for sharing this film despite its controversial nature.
Check out the site for the movie:


Blogger Lois Lane said...

You know I thought about going to see this movie, but wasn't too sure...Guess I will give it a chance.

16 November, 2006 17:44  
Blogger Amelia Earhart said...

Cool! Doubt it'll ever come to Singapore though. It's always the Holly blockbusters that ultimately make it here.

Maybe I can ship a copy from Amazon... Any other online shopping portals to recommend?

18 November, 2006 12:38  
Blogger CaptainFartlek said...

I think I might check it out. I could use a good laugh.
PS Wait to see Borac on video!!!

21 November, 2006 13:43  
Blogger Nanook said...

So far everyone I know loves Borat, some have seen it twice. Anyway, I think it might have left town already and I don't have a choice anymore!

21 November, 2006 17:27  
Blogger pingcat said...

Not going to see Borac. Might see "Fast Food Nation" - promised my sis I would go with her even though I read the book a couple of years ago. I thought "Short Bus" meant an Airbus 318 as opposed to the 330 or 340 ... now even the 380. Since that is not the case ... I might go see it.

21 November, 2006 22:28  
Blogger Quodlibet said...

I would like to see Borac, but will wait for video. I would however like to see Fast Food Nation. I didn't read the book, but do remember seeing it in Chapters. I would also like to go see Bobby (about Bobby Kennedy) - I saw a preview and it looks interesting.

21 November, 2006 23:55  

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