
The other evening I joined Pingcat at Stage West to see Nunsense. Nunsense is a musical comedy and really it is so so so so funny! I laughed from beginning to end. The premise of the story is that these five nuns are putting on a variety show in the local high school to try and raise money. Now, the reason they need to raise money is to bury a few nuns from their convent. The convent's chef (Sister Julia, Child of God is her name!) made soup and some fifty or so nuns died after eating it. The five remaining nuns came up with enough money to bury all but a few of these nuns (they would have had enough but Mother Superior bought a plasma tv). Until they come up with the money, these last few dead nuns are in the freezer awaiting burial!
Anyway, it was really a great show and I would highly recommend that anyone who can see it - should. I hadn't been to stage west in a couple of years and I can't remember the show I saw there before. Also, the dinner part of the dinner theater was quite good. I'm always a fan of dinners that I don't have to cook!
A big thank you to Pingcat for taking me as her guest!
My pleasure, we'll have to do it again sometime!
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