My New Job!!
Well, it is true folks - I have taken a new job which I am very excited about! On September 10th I will be starting a groundschool at Canadian North for the Dash 8. Initially, I thought I was going to get a spot on the boeing, but they needed another person on the Dash, so I accepted it. After some thought, I think it is for the best anyway; it is a much smaller and more manageable step along my aviation career. Plus, I have always wanted to fly a Dash anyway.
I remember back when I was doing my flight training in Moncton, we would often see the beautiful red Coast Guard Dash 8 fly under us in our practice area. Since then, I thought that I would love to fly one of those and now I get to!!
I have really enjoyed my time with Bar XH, but I have been there for three years now, much longer than most. I was the last surviving employee from my initial groundschool! Everyone else had previously taken other jobs. I really liked my job there and have had tons of fun and learned a lot. I don't regret a single day spent there as it is a good company to work for.
Canadian North is somewhere that I always thought that I might want to work. So far, my experience with them has been fantastic - great people! I'm really looking forward to this new adventure!! Wish me luck!