Saturday, May 31, 2008

Sooooooo long!

Well, time certainly does fly by! I guess I don't really have much of an excuse for not writing. Partly, I think that Facebook is to blame. All of this online stuff is time consuming!

Well, winter was very busy at work. Like most companies in Western Canada, we are short pilots. This means that those of us remaining have had to work a lot more. In many respects, I think that the aviation industry is in a bit of trouble, but not the kind of trouble that we pilots have been used to in the past. These days companies are having such a tough time to find pilots with any amount of experience. The industry has changed so much over the past couple of years and it does have its good bits, in that it is not terribly difficult for pilots to find jobs and operators have had to increase the pay scales. For so long, companies could get away with not paying pilots very much money because we were all so desperate to have a job.

I also think that the overall work ethic of pilots has diminished. It is quite rare to find someone who will do anything extra. "I don't get paid to do that." is something I've heard. Even for a small thing. I think that it is unfortunate, but I guess it is these kinds of situations which bring out people's true colors. There has to be a happy medium in all of this: if each of us could go out of our way just a tiny bit, without demanding extra this or extra that, then the effort would be small and the result large.

My final complaint is about just that - complaining!! Don't you think it is contageous. I do. As soon as you get one person complaining about whatever, before long someone else chimes in and voices their complaints. It is so icky to be around!! I've certainly fallen victim to this, but try not to. I love it when I'm paired up with someone who likes their job and we can talk about stuff besides how "terrible" it is to have to "work" for your money!!

Anyway, I still feel lucky every time I get to look out that front window from way up high! It's the best job in the world.