Thunderin' Calgary

Last night I was on a medevac shift and checked in for work a bit before 18:00 and checked the weather for southern Alberta. Heavy thunderstorms were forecast/reported over many areas of the province, including the Calgary area. My co-worker, his girlfriend and I hung around the office for a while watching a big CB to the south develop and move closer and closer to the airport. I say big CB, but really it was MASSIVE! After some time, I decided that I better go home and close all the windows that I had left open, and it was just in time because the wind and rain had started. A few minutes later we were having the craziest thunder and lightning and this went on for a couple of hours at least. I took some video and pictures of the gigantic cell as it moved toward the airport, but it doesn't do it justice since you can't see the entire cell on one frame.
Wicked cell ! Freekin think is huge, Calgary and it's freekin weather :)
Was just coming here to vicariously live through your blog posts !
When I figure out how to put video onto Youtube and then on to the blog I'll try to put the video which shows really how huge the cell was. It would probably have been as wide as if I had put four pictures side by side!!!
I was flying out of Calgary at about 6:30PM on a Jazz flight to Victoria to attend CWIA. We could see quite a few cloud to ground lightening strikes. I was amazed the flight was as smooth as it was but we were quite a bit north of the main cell.
Wow - it WAS crazy here last night. Kind of felt like the world was ending...
I was telling Kim about your storm, she said she saw pictures of it on the weather channel.
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