Night Brain
It seems that I study much better late at night. Here it is 12:40 am and really I should be going to bed, but I feel like studying. When I say, "feel like studying" I mean that relative to how I feel about studying in the morning when I get up! Maybe it is because the world is quiet by this time and there is not a lot to distract me from the books. Anyway, I am slowly making my way through the manuals which is not to say that I know much yet!
I wish I had one of those memories that allowed you to read the stuff once and understand and retain it all. Unfortunately, I do not so must read and re-read and re-read the stuff so that it eventually sinks into my brain. As for all of the memory items (ie. emergency procedures which of course you must know instantly for as long as you fly the plane) they, too, require a lot of practice on my part.
Anyway, eventually I will learn and remember it, but until then I am finished procrastinating for the moment and am returning to my studies!
Well that answers my question in the comments section of the previous post, now, doesn't it. I suppose you enjoy flying at night? - as unnatural a behaviour as this is???
Yeah, .... this is night rating time again, isn't it.
Much success with your studies and enjoy the new challenges:-)
I'm glad I don't have to do the Jetstream, I'll take a king air any day.
You are way smarter than you claim, it will come.
Yes, the stillness of the night is really conducive for deep thought.
I tend to do my work at night. A good thing my job allows me to take some liberty about coming in at 9am!
Not many of us are blessed with the gift of powerful memory. I find that when I translate words into imagery or sounds, I remember things better. Try that!
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