World Trade Center

Last night I saw the movie World Trade Center. It was a mistake to think that I could go to a public place, watch a story about one of the world's saddest events and come out of the theater without 'cry eyes'. Folks, this is a movie to be watched in your livingroom with a box of kleenex.
It is amazing how fresh 9-11 still feels and to see those images in that day's story being told felt like that day all over again. I thought the movie did a great job at telling the truth but all the while being respectful to the people involved. Basically, it was the true story of two police officers who had been trapped in the rubble of Tower One and what their and their family's suffering must have been like. Now just imagine the suffering of the friends and families of nearly 3000 people. Unimaginable. I suffered and I didn't personally know a single person who was killed on 9-11. I'll never understand how people can wish to make other people hurt like this.
Everyone remembers what they were doing on that day and at that time - I was still at home getting ready to go flying (I was working on my instructor rating) when Suze, my instructor called me and said, "We won't be flying today; turn on your tv. Planes are flying into buildings". My first thoughts were that the world was ending. I guess it did for many. So sad.